We offer an availability/price list for local professional florists.
Sign up here to stay in touch.
Our weekly bouquet CSA is a wonderful way to enjoy
peak-season, local flowers grown sustainably for your home, business or as a perfect gift.
Spring Blooms CSA-
—Sign ups start in the fall —
Tulips, Ranunculus, Narcissus oh my! Unique and specialty varieties of our favorites. Spring truly brings our favorite colors after a long cold winter.
Main Season CSA-
—-Sign ups begin mid-January 2021—
For 12 weeks, we craft you a sweet bouquet of blooms from the field and foraged from our land. Unique varieties grown with organic practices are curated for you.
Our flower CSA starts in mid-late June with exact dates to be announced as soon as the weather lets us know.
Convenient pick-up is available in Portland and in Colombia county. Delivery is available to most areas for a small additional fee.
The Details:
Sweet Size $210 for 12 weeks of medium size hand-crafted bouquets at the peak of their beauty. We harvest and arrange our favorite seasonal blooms to bring you a thoughtful bouquet each week.
$300-12 weeks of a larger bouquet with extra specialty flowers. Perfect for your home or business.